Our Plan for You
"Counseling Plan of Care"
The primary purpose of the Lighthouse Christian Counseling and Outreach Center (LCCOC) is to provide Biblical Counsel and Christ-Centered Outreach, encompassing divisional outreaches of Christian counseling, Christian education, and community outreach (i.e. Faith Community Nursing (FCN), HIV/AIDS education, consultations, and public support).
In Hosea 4:6 it says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." In Proverbs 11:14 the Bible tells the reader that, "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety." The Bible also teaches us in Psalms 18:2 "The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn to my salvation, and my high tower.
A "lighthouse" is a tower located at some place important or dangerous to navigation. It has a very bright light at the top, and often foghorns (a horn blown to give warning to ships in a fog) or sirens, etc. by which ships (temples of Christ) are guided and warned.
In our earthly walk and navigation, we inevitably will be confronted with places of importance or dangerous situations. There is a beckon of hope, help, and salvation through the navigation of God's word. Jesus--is that very bright light at the top of the world or the top of the lighthouse. It is oftentimes the high tower and "horn of your salvation in calling upon God in need and distress. (Psalms 18:2). It is the place of deliverance where horns will blow in our sometimes-foggy conditions of life that only God can lead you into safety. The alarms and sirens of warning patiently wait to be used and sounded before any destruction. In guidance through Jesus Christ, there is light and safety. Thus, the purpose of the Lighthouse Christian Counseling and Outreach Center (LCCOC) will be to facilitate and "Navigate through the Word of God" in the ministries of counseling, guidance, Christian education, and outreach.
Summary of Session-By-Session Counseling Plan
(five average sessions)
The Lighthouse Christian Counseling and Outreach Center, Inc. (LCCOC) offers a practice in professional Christian counseling where Scriptural truths, biblical-spiritual practices, and Christian values are genuinely incorporated into our clinical practice, theoretical orientation, and professional life.
Sessions have a basic structured plan, systematic approach, and therapeutic method. Each session begins with prayer, is governed and orchestrated by the spirit of God and is individually assessed to each situational need.
Counseling sessions with the utilization of Creation Therapy and the Arno Profile System Response (APS) tool {by NCCA-SACC, Dr.(s) Arno, Sarasota, Fl.}, achieves tremendous success. It is quite abstract and a concrete discipline when applied and brings a significant change in the lives of our counselees, clients, or individual(s) we counsel/serve for life.
Our Approach/Wholistic Health and Wellness (mind, body, spirit)
-Counseling Procedure
-Systematic Approach
-Therapeutic Method
"Our Plan" - Session-By-Session Counseling Format and Plan
Session One
During the first session, your counselor, who is trained and qualified in a therapeutic technique called "Creation Therapy," will provide you with an Arno Profile System Response Form.
This is not a test. It is simply a series of questions, which will help your counselor identify your inborn temperament. This will provide your counselor with a clear "photography" of you and some of the things you are experiencing.
Session Two
During this session, your counselor will ask you to share some of your feelings and the problems you are experiencing.
Session Three
During this session the counselor will be teaching you about yourself and your unique needs. This will help you to understand why you may be experiencing inner conflict and conflict with others.
Session Four
At this point, the counselor will work with you and examine each individual need you have. You will be working together in an attempt to identify which needs are met and those going unmet in a way, which is causing you, harm.
Session Five
When the unmet needs have been identified, you and your counselor will begin finding ways to meet your needs; ways which, will not cause you harm, or harm your family, and loved ones.
Sessions afterwards -
- We will have prayer before and at the end of the session.
- We will continue to take each temperament need, and one-by-one, beginning to determine how that need is currently met.
- We will reinforce prior commitment(s) made.
- We will professionally assess and begin to determine when sessions should end or when you (the counselee(s) can be discharged.
- We will help you to wholistically (mind, body, spirit) assist you to understand and experience SUCCESS.
Client or believer testimonials
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