Doctrinal Statement
WE BELIEVE the Holy Scriptures to be the inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word of God. (II Peter 1:21, II Timothy 3:16)
WE BELIEVE the BOOK, the Bible both the Old and New Testaments, are a divine revelation, inspired by the Holy Spirit and preserved without error.
WE BELIEVE in one God, He is the infinite Spirit, eternal and self-existent, manifested to man as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Genesis 1:1, St. John 10:30, I Timothy 3:16 and I John 5:7)
WE BELIEVE in Jesus Christ, for in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily according to Colossians 2:9.
WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh, (St. John 1:1-14) took upon Him our nature, being conceived by the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary; (St. Matthew 1:18-25 & St. John 14:7-9).
WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ was human and divine. He is the true God and was true man, having been conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary according to St. Matthew 1: 23.
WE BELIEVE that Jesus Christ died on the cross and shed His blood as a substitutionary sacrifice for our sins of the world; He arose bodily from the dead in the body He was crucified, He ascended into heaven in that body glorified, where He is now, He is our High Priest; and is seated at the right hand of the Majesty on High and He will return again personally and visibility to rapture His Church / the believer to His Kingdom and to judge the quick and the dead.
WE BELIEVE in the ministry of the Holy Spirit to glorify Christ, to convict men of sin, and to empower the Christian believer.
WE BELIEVE that man was created in the image of God, but fell into sin, but in that since is lost; that all men have sinned and have come short of the glory of God, this is true except a man be born of water and Spirit, he cannot see the Kingdom of God; (St. John 3:1-8) Salvation is by grace and obedience through Christ who His own self bore our sins in His own body on the tree by the process of justification, regeneration, redemption, adoption, atonement, grace, reconciliation and propitiation; the retribution of the wicked and unbelieving and the reward of the righteous are everlasting; and as the reward is conscious, so is the retribution.
WE BELIEVE that man can be justified only by grace through personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
WE BELIEVE that water baptism in the Name of Jesus identifies us with the death and burial of Christ, and that we should arise to walk in newness of life according to Romans 6:4.
WE BELIEVE that the true Church is composed of such persons who, through saving faith in Jesus Christ, have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit; the Church is the "called out" or the ekklesia (Greek) living in the power of the Holy Ghost; the body of Christ and He is the Head; the mission of the Church is to be a witness concerning its Head, Jesus Christ; and teach and preach the gospel to all nations.
WE BELIEVE in the personal, literal second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to judge both the quick and the dead.
WE BELIEVE in the bodily resurrection of all the dead according to I Thessalonians 4:13-18 and Chapter 5.
WE BELIEVE in everlasting blessedness for the Christian believer, with judgment and everlasting punishment for the unbeliever.
WE BELIEVE in the baptism of the Holy Spirit / Ghost wherein the Holy Spirit / Ghost is sent to gift every Christian believer with their own private prayer / praise language used to edify themselves, and that such a baptism empowers the believer to be effective for Christ. (Acts 2:4, Acts 2:38, and St. Luke 11:13)
WE BELIEVE that our doctrine, creed, rules of order and discipline are in line with the Holy Word of God as taught and revealed by the Holy Spirit.
WE BELIEVE that the entire Educational and Scholastic Programs / Degrees offered and conferred at theological institutions(II Timothy 2:15), schools that has every intent, reason, being, and its goals, in bringing forth students educated, trained, prepared, equipped and enhanced for all walks and purpose of sound Christian Ministry, in assisting students to grow in grace and in the knowledge of God for deeper and more effective service, thus; bringing individuals to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ Our Lord, Savior and Master.
God IS ~
Omnipotent: God is all powerful (invincible, supreme)
Omnipresent: God is in all places (equally present at the same time, ubiquitous, all-pervading, and universal)
Omniscient: God knows all things (all-knowing, knows everything)
Eternal: God is timeless