About Us
Organizational History
The Lighthouse Christian Counseling and Outreach Center, Inc. {DBA-LCCOC} was founded in San Diego, California on February 1, 2001 (incorporated on February 08, 2001), and exists as a state and federal 501 (c) (3) Religious Nonprofit Corporation. LCCOC mission and vision is expressed in its' commitment to the "spirit of excellence," serving the local community, nation, and world in Biblical counsel and Christ-centered outreach. LCCOC accepts general donations and contributions for student educational scholarships.
The Lighthouse Christian Counseling and Outreach Center, Inc.-LCCOC, or the "Lighthouse," is the type of high tower symbolic of Jesus Christ providing counseling, education, and outreach. We are persuaded that LCCOC will make THE positive difference in the local community, nation, and the world based upon our focus, goals, vision, mission, purpose, motto, and philosophy stances described as the Seven Golden Candlesticks and Lights
It is our belief that Jesus is the high tower, and the bright light at the top of the lighthouse that will navigate, and guide individuals to safety in the storms of life. Jesus is the salvation when one cannot see their way. The "Word of God" will give direction in the deep, waves, and storms, of life. "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus" Philippians 2:5.
Seven Golden Candlesticks and Lights- "without dimension"
Focus - Providing Biblical Counsel, and Christ-Centered Outreach for the community, nation, and worldwide. Goals and Objectives-To provide the counselee, client, or community with Biblical counseling, guidance, Christian education, and outreach programs.
- Vision - To develop an outreach that will be committed to the "spirit of excellence" in Biblical Counsel and Christ-Centered Outreach through: Christian Counseling, Christian education, and outreach, (e.g., Faith Community Nursing -FCN, HIV/AIDS education, consultation services, and community charitable work) that will be working together to enhance the community, nation, and worldwide.
- Mission - To build and strengthen mankind alike, and to assist in refocusing, and guiding humanitarians into wholistic/wellbeing states. Individuals will come to Christ, the "high tower" for help, and deliverance, in the times of need. Our mission will facilitate the advancement and up-building of God's Kingdom by winning souls for Jesus Christ. In providing faith-based services and community outreach, clients or believers will come to know more about Jesus Christ as their source, the light, compass, and way.
Purpose - A state and federal tax exempt corporation operating as a religious nonprofit organization providing Christian/clinical counseling, chaplaincy services, Christian education/training, faith-based community outreach programs, and partnerships locally, nationally, and globally.
Motto - LCCOC is reaching out through the multitude of counselors, to provide guidance, safety, and navigation through the "Word of God." In the midst of a storm and life circumstances: "Jesus is the light, Jesus is the compass, and Jesus is the way."
Philosophy - "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety. (Proverbs 11:14). The assurance that, "The Lord is my (our) rock, and my (our) fortress, and my (our) deliverer; my (our) God, my (our) strength, in whom I (we) will trust; my (our) buckler, and the horn of my (our) salvation, and my (our) high tower" (Psalms 18:2).
Other Scripture references:
Psalms 18:30
Psalms 35:2
Psalms 46
Psalms 50:15
Psalms 91:4
II Corinthians 4:4-6
II Timothy 6:16
Revelation 21:11, 23
The metaphors of these verses can be applied to the believer's perpetual struggles against the physical and spiritual forces of this age. God's care is described by six symbols in these Scriptures: My (our) rock, fortress, deliverer, buckler, horn, and high tower. This briefly describes that Jesus is our source, and a safe place to lift us above the storms and dangers of life. Jesus is our living protector and our buckler, someone who the enemy cannot penetrate. Therefore, he is a type of shield, symbolizing that God comes between us and harm. As he is the horn to our salvation, he becomes our strength and victorious power to deliver and save us.
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